Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Well, Gee Whiz... I skipped yesterday and almost forgot today. I'm in BIIIIIGGGG Trouble. Some of you might remember my HUGE Cats PJ order I placed in July. WELL....since I'm SUCH a financial WHIZ I never noticed that the money didnt come out of my account...MY (not so right now) LOVING Hubby had his CC info in Paypal.... Ummm, did you figure it out yet??? YEP $194 went on HIS CC.... OMG I'm too freaked out to LMAO .....

Sheesh, he KNOWS I buy stamps I mean DUH. He has had to load them into the truck when we moved (several times now)... But YIKES to see the actual price... AY YI YIIII!!!!!

SO I guess it's a good thing that I am a working schmuck lately so I can pay that bill.... HAHAHAHA

Oh ladies, what am I gonna do??? LOL Well, at least NOW I know as Cat's is having a new release on Friday..... ;)

Take care all off to feed breakfast here at work...

OH GAbby sent me a paint by number How to Tutorial (if that doesnt work this is a picture less Blog....) Thanks Gabster.... YOU ROCK!!!!!

Luv ya all! Oh and say a lil prayer for me would ya! :)


manda_dex said...

Okay, so DH does not really check his PayPal, but does the bank and cc daily...so I get that fear!
I hope you enjoy all your stamps...and have fun feeding the animals...love the new image! :)

Sarah/WAstamper said...

LMAO!! Just found your blog Kelli...I would sooo be hating life if I "accidently" charged my stamp orders to DH's CC. Don't forget to change your payment when you buy the new stamps on Friday!